BGC Ladies

BGC Women In Golf Charter Champion Helen Fawcett

Welcome to the Womens Section of Billingham Golf Club. We have a lively and very sociable group of lady golfers of all ages, who put the emphasis on having fun and enjoying the exercise golf provides, rather than the more competitive side of things!

We have the R&A Women in Golf Charter which calls on members of the club to play their part in developing a culture that values women's involvement in every aspect of the sport, from participating to pursuing a career. Helen is our 'Charter Champion' and works closely with fellow club members to ensure we achieve the main aims of the Charter, which are listed here:-
* to increase the number of women and girls playing and working in golf
* to pursue a fundamental change in culture, providing economic benefits of growing the sport through more women and girls playing
* to making tangible efforts to develop a welcoming and inspiring environment for women by doing more to attract women into golf.

We hosted a Putting & Prosecco night in May 2024 and now have 21 ladies undergoing beginner lessons with the club golf professional. Let's hope these ladies go on to becomming new members and enjoy all the benefits playing golf brings!

A 5 hole fun, on-course challenge has been arranged for Thursday 1st August 2024 at 6pm for beginner ladies. Please come along and join our new starters for 5 shortened holes, supported by lady members, followed by complimentary gin & tonic in the clubhouse. It promises to be a great night and a chance for you to get out onto the course for probably the first time in your short golfing journey!